Contact Lenses
See the difference contact lenses can make to your vision at Vision Care Opticians.
Did you know 78% of people who wear glasses have never tried contact lenses! Are you one of them?
Why Choose lenses
When Leonardo Da Vinci first sketched an idea for a corrective lens to be worn in the eye, he couldn’t have imagined that 500 years later nearly 80 million people would be wearing contact lenses worldwide.
At Vision Care, we provide a fully comprehensive contact lens fitting service. This ensures you receive the most comfortable lenses, providing optimum vision most suited to your lifestyle and requirements.
Vision Care is an independent opticians, we will give unbiased professional advice on the best lens type for you.
We, at Vision Care ensure that we remain at the forefront of advances in contact lens technology as improved designs and materials are constantly introduced to the existing product ranges.
Advances in technology have allowed manufacturers to tailor contact lenses to suit every lifestyle from disposable lenses for people with hectic schedules, to extended wear lenses designed for anyone who wants 20/20 vision 24/7 without undergoing laser eye surgery.
As well as being much more practical than glasses (if in doubt just ask any sports person who wears them), contact lenses can also provide better results, especially with regard to improved peripheral vision depth perception.
No Risk Trials
At Vision Care, we will assess your suitability for lenses at your first appointment and then explain the options.
Your first experience of contact lens wear will demonstrate how comfortable they can be. Before committing yourself to go ahead, we will, where possible, allow you to take some lenses home to try.
Caring for your lenses
To ensure both your lenses and your eyes stay in good condition you will need to clean and disinfect your contact lenses. The type of lens you have and how you wear them dictates the type of care system you use. We will ensure you understand what to do before you take the lenses home.
Lens handling
Worried about getting lenses in and out of your eyes? Don’t’ be. Our experienced staff will spend as much time as you need to ensure you are competent and safe in handling your lenses.

Childrens Contact Lenses
There are currently 3.7 million contact lens wearers in the UK, which represents 9% of adults aged 15-64 years.
Interest in contact lenses starts at an early age and their use is widely suited to all age groups. The advantages of contact lenses over glasses are well recognised but among the additional advantages for teens and children are:
Better vision and more convenient for sports and leisure activities where children often remove their glasses for fear of breaking them
Improved appearance and social acceptance, especially with high levels of short sight (myopia) or long sight (hyperopia)
Greater self-confidence, self-esteem and satisfaction
Avoid frequent breakages of glasses
Easily updated when eyesight is changing frequently
Added protection from ultraviolet (UV) exposure with some lenses
Some medical uses such as albinism (lack of pigment) and aniridia (absence of iris)
Special indications for fitting to babies, usually under the hospital eye service
Another potential benefit currently under investigation is the ability of contact lenses to slow the progress of short sight (myopia) in children. Various approaches have recently been suggested including orthokeratology (see below) and new soft lenses which my help to ‘control’ myopia by correcting peripheral vision. These approaches, and the size of the effect, need to be supported by large-scale, long-term studies.
Types of contact lenses for teens and children
Each type of contact lens has its pros and cons for young wearers and the choice will depend on the child’s individual vision and lifestyle.

Daily Disposables
With no solutions, no lens cases and no hassle required, it’s easy to see why daily disposables are one of the most popular choices amongst contact lens wearers. By simply throwing away your lenses at the end of the day and starting with a fresh pair the next, it really couldn’t be easier.
Many opticians believe that daily disposables are the healthiest contact lenses for your eyes and are also a great choice for those who are prone to allergies as they avoid the day-to-day build-up of dust, pollen and other irritants.
Daily disposables are especially convenient and economical for individuals who only want to wear their lenses part time and are ideal for sport, socialising and travelling.
Available in a wide range of prescriptions from standard myopia and torics for astigmatism through to varifocal and coloured dailies, daily disposables are well suited to most users. However, in the event that your eyes are not suited to daily disposables, two week and monthly disposables are an alternative option.
Toric contact lenses differ from other contacts because of their shape and how they fit the eye. Technology has improved in recent years to expand the range of Toric presciptions available.
Contact us at Vision Care if you have any enquiries or if you wish to book a trial appointment.
You Care, We Care, Vision Care
At Vision Care Opticians, Contact lenses are available in fortnightly and monthly variants across many popular brands such as Acuvue, Air Optix and more!
For frequent users reusable contact lenses are more cost-effective than dailies – especially when you wear your contacts every day.